On Tue, 4 Mar 97 10:27:23 PST, you wrote:

>Now, as things seem to stand now, the ppp part seems like almost an after-
>thought (as far as its importance to the effective operation of dselect 
>goes). The base install seems to be more targeted to people with: A) a
>live internet connection, B) Debian on CD, or C) The Debian distribution
>on another filesystem or NFS. However, like I mentioned, of the people I 
>deal with each day, about 5% of the Debian newbies fall into that group.
>It seems appropriate to mention Occam's Razor at this point, y'know?
>- Joe


I agree the installation and setup needs more polish in this and other
areas. In the meantime, however, you might want to check out a the
tutorial on PPP setup in the latest Linux Journal (April issue).


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