On 14:06:41 Gary Lee wrote:
>>      I think you all have very good points.  I have used 3 different
>ISPs and had to set them up 3 different ways.  I would be lovely if PPP
>could figure out how to connect to the ISP and what I want to do with
>it--without me telling it (but thats not FUN).  I don't think anyone is
>saying that PPP is broken, just that it could use a little polish.  Until
>some dear soul has the time and inclination to add to the good work
>already done, we will have to help each other. I do believe that's why
>this list exist. 
>        And thats all I have to say about that... 
>Gary Lee
I do the same thing here.  Its pretty simple.  Create the proper chatscript
and options files with whats needed for those connects, and write a little
script to copy them to options/chatscript when needed.  Could be a little
smarter, to figure out who you want to connect to at some point, but for
me thats not neccessary, so I just do it the 'easy' way.  Its not pretty, with
little buttons and bows, it just works and does the job thats needed.  Its
no bid deal, really.  But these folks that want it all handed to them, and 
don't care to do anything for themselves, should go along, follow uSlop
right over the edge, just like little lemmings.

Nuff said!

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