Martin Schulze wrote:
> Ken Gaugler writes:
> > > What editors come on the base install?  Also, what is the input device
> > > for 'cp ' that uses the console for input?
> ae is on board.
> > I am surprised nobody mentioned vi -- what, no purists out there
> > anymore? :-)
> We already faught the fight before - and lost.  ae won. :-(
> There's a set of macros which can turn ae in a vi-mode.  This
> might be included in further releases.
I've never seen a base-line Unix box w/o vi that was what prompted the
initial mail.

Thanx to all.  ae works well enough.  Also, 'cat > <filename>' was what
I was looking for.  It's been a while since I've had the luxury of a
Unix environment.

Thanx again -- Greg.

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