On Wed, 18 Jun 1997, Leandro Asnaghi-Nicastro wrote:

> >Seems like the incoming spam has picked up, although I haven't been on
> >usenet for weeks. Makes me wonder if we have a spammer subscribed to the
> >lists just to collect email addresses. Anybody else with the same problem?
> I've been spammed like crazy after going on Usenet on an unprotected
> account.  By that I mean, that I had my e-mail address in the "From:" and
> "Reply-to:" fields.  To go around this you can put a blank space (leandro
> @ifront.com for example).

I don't like to do that. It makes it inconvenient for people to reply.
Besides, name mangling (paulwadeATgreenbushDOTcom) is a form of surrender
to the abusers. I use traceroute and then abuse.net to file complaints.

> Perhaps we could have that the mail program checks the domain from where the
> mail is coming from, and if the domain is invalid it rejects the mail.

That gets complicated because many people are at the mercy of a
technically challenged ISP. It would be great if everyone could get a
static IP with DNS.

Besides, anybody can subscribe to the list and never post a thing. Then
they just extract addresses from the messages that pass through.

A list server that requires a password somewhere in the message and
removes it before remailing would be nice.

Another spam generator is people using my domain names in false addresses
on usenet. I would need a program that scans 19000 newsgroups for domain
names in order to catch these people. They usually do this in the porno
groups and the email volume is high as a result.

+ Paul Wade                         Greenbush Technologies Corporation +
+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.greenbush.com/ +
+ http://www.greenbush.com/cds.html             Special Linux CD offer +

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