On Thu, 19 Jun 1997, John Foster wrote:

> Ah so this is a new maening of "technically challenged" that I've
> never met before!

When I originally used the term, I was referring to the ISP's who don't
have DNS info for their IP's at all. If they could at least make sure that
reverse lookup returns something like 'modem99.spamfactory.net' it would
help. They should also let their accounts know that logs are kept and all
posts and messages are traceable to the account. The people who hide
behind anonymous remailers and such can be dealt with if most ISP's block
all messages and traffic from those IP numbers. I do think that
'technically challenged' is appropriate for some ISP's here in Maine, USA.
They don't know how to setup a nameserver or block traffic.

+ Paul Wade                         Greenbush Technologies Corporation +
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