
        I have just installed my first Linux system on a Cyrix200-based
computer, using Debian 1.3.1/1.3.2. I have now got it up and running --
except for the mouse and the modem.

        I have an internal 33.6 BOCA modem and a serial, two-button mouse
with the Microsoft logo on it. The BIOS tells me that it can detect the
modem (plug&play) and that the computer has 2 serial ports and one parallel
port. I have plugged the mouse on the only plug with 8 pins on the back
of the tower.

        Kermit freezes when I tell it that the modem is at
ttyS0, ttyS1, cua0 or cua1. gmp does not freeze when I tell it to look
for the mouse, but it takes a long time (especially in ttys0, not
so much in ttys1). The XFree86 installation program shows no mouse
movement for any configuration. No program can detect the mouse (with
gmp in ttys0, ttys1 or killed).

        Any ideas? The computer (made-to-order) came with
documentation for the individual parts, but without any documentation
as to how the thing had been assembled. I don't have the equipment
or the manual ability necessary to open the tower up and examine
its bowels.

P.S. Please answer to my personal address, for my newsserver is not working
well. (I'm telnetting from an old computer, not from the new one, of course.)

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