Dave Neuer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> When I download debian package files onto my PowerMac and try to
> transfer them via PC-formatted floppy to my Linux box, the files are
> showing up under linux all starting with "!" (i.e.
> "kernel-package_3.28.deb" becomes "!kernal-package_3.28") and I
> can't seem to cp them (the cp command gives me a "can't find action
> '!<whatever file>").

I'm not sure why you are getting the !.  Usually things like that
happen because someone's trying to represent characters that were used
in the filename on the Mac to something that DOS is happier with.
However, the reason they are causing trouble is because the shell
you're using (bash) interprets the ! as a special character (see "man
bash" for more details).  Bash things you are telling it to find some
previous command in the command history and execute it.  For example
if I typed "!54" to bash, it would execute the 54th command in the
history buffer.

Seeing ! in a file name really confuses bash, so you have to "escape"
the character to tell bash, "no I really do mean that the file name
has an exclamation point".  To do this, use a backslash.  Since !'s in
filenames are evil, you should get rid of them, so do this:

  mv \!kernel-package_3.28.deb kernel-package_3.28.deb

This will change the name, removing the !.  If you want to fix a whole
directory of files at once, do this (after "cd" ing to the directory):

  for file in *
    mv $file `echo $file | perl -pe 's/^!//o'`

(That's off the top of my head, so I'd be careful, but maybe you'll
get the idea...)

> What's going on?  This seems to happen whether I download the files as
> binary or text files.

Someone's renaming them for you.  What programs are you using for the
download?  Note that with suntar, you probably wouldn't have this

> BTW, I can't get the Linux box connected via Ethernet (no drivers)
> or modem (can't seem to find modem, and can't transfer any
> communications programs like minicom to the Linux box to test for
> the modem).

Why not transfer minicom via floppy?  (or is that a problem because
of the "!"  problem I was just discussing?)


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