Dave Neuer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> When I download debian package files onto my PowerMac and try to
> transfer them via PC-formatted floppy to my Linux box, the files are
> showing up under linux all starting with "!" (i.e.
> "kernel-package_3.28.deb" becomes "!kernal-package_3.28") and I can't
> seem to cp them (the cp command gives me a "can't find action
> '!<whatever file>").

This is how the Mac rewrites file names that are too long for DOS 8.3
filenames.  You can rename them as described in another message, or
you can try transferring them with something else.  I'd recommend:

    1. Put it on a Mac HFS formatted disk and use hfsutils, available
       as a Debian package.
    2. Use SunTar from InfoMac to write the file to disk and tar xvf
       /dev/fd0 to get it off.

                Carey Evans  <*>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"[UNIX] appears to have the inside track on being the replacement for
  CP/M on the largest microcomputers (e.g. those based on 68000...)"

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