
I rescued that debian i386 system by doing somewhat like a complete
reinstall of Debian 1.3 stable. I have learned my lesson and will not
use unstable anymore for a computer that I need for work. (I had to
re-install cause I forget the printed-out descriptions from some of
you how to fix debian at home, shame on me... I did not remember how
to do it correctly.)

One problem is left... some of the new installed packages fail to
post-install (dosemu for example) cause the command


is not found, but needed by the script.

These commands are actually not here, I tried in a shell. I
re-installed all base packages with dpkg and there a no dependency
problems anymore. 

In which package can I find the above two commands?

|_| _ |o _  _  Martin Steigerwald
| |(/_||(_)_>  http://home.pages.de/~helios

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