On Fri, 22 Aug 1997, Dave Cinege wrote:

> On Fri, 22 Aug 1997 17:15:00 +0200, Joost Kooij wrote:
> >I find it very hard to believe that Bruce is acting on himself. I
> >firmly believe that his decisions are based upon serious discussions
> >between many
> No developer has yet to post that the new 'policy' of backlogging rev
> numbers was discussed and decided on the devel list.

manoj is a developer, and he's said that.  bruce is a developer and he's
said it too.

other developers have got involved in this stupid thread and said that.

i'm a developer, and i'm saying that it certainly WAS discussed at
length by the debian developers on the debian developer's mailing lists.

bruce was convinced by a majority of developers that this was the best
way - initially he was against it.

in any case, version numbers for debian as a whole are irrelevant.
the only version numbers that count are the version numbers on the
individual packages.  The version number for the debian dist. itself is,
IMO, little more than a marketing convenience specifically FOR cd-rom
makers anyway.

as far as the ftp site goes, the important thing is that any future
revisions of bo (aka 1.3) are in a directory tree with a Packages file
which dselect can use.  Now that Guy is back from his holiday that will
undoubtedly happen when he has time to do it.

you are making a huge fuss about nothing.  it got very boring several days
ago.  now it is tedious and annoying.  you've made your points several times
and you've only found one person who agrees with you...either find something
new to whine about or shut up and go away.

Finally, this argument doesn't belong on debian-user. take it over to
debian-policy if you really must continue with it. debian-user has too
much traffic on it already, without all the crap being generated on this

> >If you had brought your points in a more considered tone, people might 
> >actually agree with you on some of these points.
> If you, or these people you mention are so brain-damaged that they
> can't agree with something soley on it's merits but instead disagree
> soley and the way it was mentioned, then their opinion doesn't count
> very much for me.

i guess some people just don't like being insulted.

btw, your arguments have very little merit anyway.


craig sanders
networking consultant                  Available for casual or contract
temporary autonomous zone              system administration tasks.

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