On Sun, 31 Aug 1997, Volker Bauer wrote:

> finally I have now Debian installed after putting a simple "/" to the
> question were is my top level located. Now I wonder why the X-Server
> doesn't run (3D Virge) although I installed the particiular server, just
> it runs in vga16 mode. How can I configure X? (xconfig or make xconfig
> doesn't work)

xf86config is the name of the program which sets up the proper
configuration according to your hardware.  This  should have been run
automatically when you installed xbase and xserver-svga, which has the
VirGE support.  Make sure that you have all the technical specs for your
monitor handy when you run this.

> As well how can I integrate all X-programms and games on the X-screen?
> There is currently just the desktop and a shell for input.

Which window manager are you using?  The fvwm95 package sets up some
buttons which are useful and can be customized.  More importantly, the
menu package should be installed.  This provides menus for many of the
Debian window managers and many packages hook into it.  Once you have
installed it, look in the /usr/doc/menu and find out how to further
customize your desktop as you like it.  In the case of fvwm95, you can add
buttons and other things as the window manager starts up but you must be
careful not to edit the /etc/X11/fvwm95/system.fvwm295 file itself to make
the customizations since this file is rebuilt EVERY time the update-menus
program is run by you or a package just installed.  Rather you must make
all of your customizations in the /etc/X11/fvwm95/system.fvwm2rc95-menu
file and then run update-menus yourself to build the system.fvwm2rc95
file.  The next time you start fvwm95 the new changes will be visible.

Some programs do not hook into the menus so you can do it yourself.  What
you need to do is to put the appropriate file in the /etc/menu directory.
The documentation is in the /usr/doc/menu directory.

Hope this helps,


    *                            Carlo U. Segre                           *
    *      Department of Biological, Chemical and Physical Sciences       *
    *        Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616          *
    *   Voice: (312) 567-3498                      FAX: (312) 567-3494    *
    *                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            *

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