"Darin D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > finally I have now Debian installed after putting a simple "/" to the
> > question were is my top level located. Now I wonder why the X-Server
> > doesn't run (3D Virge) although I installed the particiular server, just
> > it runs in vga16 mode. How can I configure X? (xconfig or make xconfig
> > doesn't work)
> Make sure you install the "xbase" package as well, as it contains a
> program xbase-config which will make your XF86Config file.  (i think it is
> called that - someone may need to correct me here)

There are two configuration programs:
 * xf86config, a text-based config program
 * XF86Setup, a graphical config program

Sometimes one will work when the other one didn't.

> > As well how can I integrate all X-programms and games on the X-screen?
> > There is currently just the desktop and a shell for input.
> I still haven't figured out how to make custom menus yet.  I do know that
> it involves editing your .Xresources or .Xsession files, something like
> that anyways.

No, you edit your window manager rc file -- .fvwm2rc for instance.

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