On Sun, 26 Oct 1997, Scott Ellis wrote:

> On Sat, 25 Oct 1997, Paul Miller wrote:
> > When a new version of a program is released, is a copy compiled to bo and
> > another for hamm? .. or is bo left without any updates?  The reason I ask
> > is I thinking of re-installing the bo distribution because I can barely
> > compile anything using hamm. -- probably libc6 releated, but it still
> > doesn't work.
> For the most part, everything is compiled only for hamm.  Many (most?)
> developers don't have access to machines for compiling libc5-based stuff
> easily anymore, and bo is supposed to be frozen except for security and
> severe bugfix releases.

This is correct.  However, it is quite easy to compile hamm packages on a
bo machine by recompiling from the source--usually there is no hacking of
the debian package files required to do this.  However, people without a
high-bandwidth net connection will probably not want to do this.  Also,
some people are not comfortable compiling software, or they have
insufficient hardware resources to install all the necessary development
libraries.  I suggest that for people who fall into these categories who
also require a more up to date version of package XXX should post to
debian-user and request a libc5-compiled version of package XXX.  I have
already compiled libc5 versions of the latest Octave and Octave-doc
packages since I need to use these on a reliable platform for my work.  I
am happy to make these packages available to anyone by anonymous FTP upon
request (with absolutely no guarantee that they will run on your machine).

Thanks.  Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    UCSD Physics Dept.

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