According to Behan Webster:
> I have squid installed, but something seems to be wrong as everytime
> the computer boots I get the following error messages:
> (In truth there are a dozen or so of the following line preceding the
> these error messages, but I cut them out for brevity as they all say
> the same thing, except for the number in front of the IOT keeps
> increasing. )
> Sun Nov  9 14:01:48 EST 1997: Running: squid -D -s -f /etc/squid.conf >> 
> /var/log/squid/squid.out 2>&1
>                       /usr/lib/squid/RunCache: line 38:   337 IOT trap/Abort
>       squid -D -s $conf 1>&3 2>&3

Which version of squid are you running, and which libc[56] are you using?
Squid-1.1.1 in "stable" is old and outdated, but otherwise it's somewhat
OK. Alas it's very hard to get new releases into "stable" unless they
fix serious bugs. This might just be such a bug :)

   Miquel van      | Cistron Internet Services   --    Alphen aan den Rijn.
   Smoorenburg,    | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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