Excerpts from debian: 6-Dec-97 Re: 'make config' issues.  by "Oliver
>   >I apologise for this newbie question but what do I do to get 'make
>   >config' to exist? I installed Debian several days ago and just learned=
>   >today that the reason why my mouse doesn't work is because I need to
>   >compile support into the kernel. When I go to /usr/src/linux and type
>   >'make config' I just get a bash error message saying that the make
>   >command was not found. Arggghhhh.... The HOWTOs and FAQs do mention ho=
> w
>   >to configure and compile the source, but they say nothing about
>   >obtaining 'make config' which is essential to the process. I tried
>   >installing all the packages I thought were relevent, such as gcc, but
>   >nothing works....
> It sounds as if you need to install the make package.

I am assuming that you have read all the other advises from this dlist.
But before you try any of them, I would make sure that the "make"
command is in your path. To test this, you type "which make" on the
console. This will tell you if you have make command or not. If nothing
shows up after you typed the command, type
"cd /"
"find . -name 'make'"
this will search your harddrive for make commands, If it finds the
command, you don't need to install the make packages, just add the
directory leading to the make command to your path. The way to do that
depends on the shell you are using. I am using tcsh, so I would type
setenv PATH "${path}:The directory to add"
This will enable you to use the make command. If the search for make did
not turn up anything, you have to install the make packages, but I don't
think this is the case because you said you installed all the packages.

And also one more thing, you said you can get the mouse to work, there
might be a very simple solution to this. On some linux distributions,
the mouse link is not setup correctly. To check this:
"cd /dev"
"ls -l mouse"
this will tell you if you have the mouse linked to the right device. If
you have a serial mouse on COM1 in dos, you want this file to link to
/dev/cua0. I don't really know about which devices are busmouses and
other types of mouses, but I believe you can get this info on
www.linux.org. If the mouse is not linked to the device, the simplest
solution is just link it yourself. For a serial mouse on COM1, you type
"ln -s -f /dev/cua0 mouse"
This might solve your problem of not finding the mouse device. The
reason why I believe this is the case is that most of the distributions
should have common serial, bus, etc. mouse support build in since X
windows needs mouse to work, and X windows although very slow, is an
essential part of linux distribution. :)

I hope this can get you started in the right direction.


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