Hello all...

    I have a ViewSonic 15G monitor and an older "JAX 8241" video card
with an S3 805 chipset.  I've got the boot magazine disk version of
Debian installed on my 586 and so far everything's working great, except

   I'm trying to get XFree86 up and running and am beating my brains out
here trying to come up with the correct modeline combination for this
monitor and card.  I keep getting the "squashed" mode when X starts
'cause I'm obviously not getting the correct modeline set up.  Does
anybody out there have a similar combination they would be willing to
share their modeline settings for?  I'm very new at this.....  I think
I've probably edited XF86Config at least 73 times by now, still not
getting it right.


 Steve Morrill

 PGP Pub key id: 0xF2459FCD
 Debian LINUX.... Where I really want to go today!

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