> Does anyone know what the story is with JDK? .....According to my packages
> file, the stable debian packages is ver 1.0.2...... Sun recently released
> ver 1.2 (For Solaris/Windoze)...... 
> Is the package behind because Sun hasn't released any / any stable versions
> for linux beyond 1.0.2, or because the package hasn't been updated, or what?
> Thanx,
> Timothy


First, regarding your question about netscape. Check out 
ftp://ftp.netscape.com for more recent versions. 4.0.x is available
for quite some time already.

As for JDK, JDK 1.1.3 is available as a debian package in
hamm/non-free (It can be safely installed on your stable system).
If you want to use both 1.0.2 and 1.1.3 simultaneously, I would
recommend downloading 1.1.3 directly from

The latest stable release of JDK from Sun is 1.1.5 and it _is_ available
for Linux at ftp://lagrange.la.asu.edu/pub/Linux_jdk/JDK-1.1.5/
This port is by a different person (Sergey Nikitin) than 1.1.3 and
franckly, I would not recommend using it because it is compiled
against glibc2 (libc6) while Motif libraries that are currently
available are still libc5 based. And dependence on both libc5 and
libc6 of the same binary is not a good idea. 

Yes, Sun released JDK 1.2 beta2 recently for Solaris and Windows.
To start working on  Linux port we need to have a source code of the
release which is not available (yet). Previous Sun's practice shows
that the source would be available only after full (not beta) release.

Alex Y.
 _( )_
(     (o___           +-------------------------------------------+
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