Tim Thomson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> My Debian system has only a 100Mb Hard Drive, I stuck a resonable system
> onto it, managed to recompile my kernel (although I've now deleted most of
> the source) and have now set it up as much as I want to for now.
> I use my system to recieve mail using fetchmail.
> What I want to know is, can I reduce the amount that is reserved. ie, df 
> reports:
> Filesystem         1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
> /dev/hda1              91230   80945     5574     94%   /
> It says I have 5Mb free, but 91Mb-80Mb = 11Mb! Can I change it so it
> reserves say, 2Mb instead?

Yes, you can, with the "tune2fs" program, which is in the base package
e2fsprogs.  Note that you shouldn't run tune2fs on a read-write
mounted system.  I'd first inspect the man page of tune2fs and
determine what I wanted to do and then either:
get a debian root disk, copy the tune2fs program onto it (It's not
already on the default root disks, is it?), and reboot from floppy -
once I'd gotten to the menus, switch to console 2, do the tune2fs, and 
reboot not from floppy.
(this one is the risky method)
mount -n -o remount,ro /
tune2fs <whatever>
mount -n -o remount,rw /

> Is it safe to do this?
I think so; then again, I've never tried tune2fs.
> What could go wrong?
I won't speculate much - the only thing I can think of is that it
gives you a little less room to work with if your system gets full;
however, I can only see the reserved space for root being useful when
a system has to be fixed without bringing it down completely
(e.g. remote administration).  When I built my low-disk-space debian
box, I made the filesystem with nothing reserved for root.

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