On Tue, 30 Dec 1997, Daniel Martin at cush wrote:

> (this one is the risky method)
> sync
> mount -n -o remount,ro /
> tune2fs <whatever>
> mount -n -o remount,rw /

Worked!!! (had to go to maintence mode).
Thanks a lot!!!

What does the volume name you can set do?

Doing this reminded me of a problem I had trying to defrag the drive. I
unmounted it and booted off a floppy, typed edefrag and :
stalin# edefrag -d -r /dev/hda1
edefrag 0.61
DEBUG: read_tables()
edefrag: bad magic number in super-block

What's going on? I tried the same on an unmounted floppy disk and it said
the same thing. I downloaded another copy thinking it had got corrupted,
but it did the same thing.

Any ideas?
Thanks again,


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