Upgrading to unstable used to be easy. Login, get list, choose
yer kit, install. Play. Lovely.
The current unstable tree seems impossible to me to upgrade to without
horrid dependancy stuff creeping in everywhere. My main problem seems
to be with lib6g+ (or something similar), tk4.2 (I have tk42) , tk7.6
(I have tk76) and stuff like that. Choosing just a simple thing like
"tkirc" for upgrading results in a large mangled mess of dependancy
conflicts. Anyone got any suggestions for getting started in this tree?

   __ _ _                
  /  \ \ \ 
 / / / / / |-Brian Skreeg--------IRC:_Ozzy-|
 \__/  \ \ |-Lead guitarist extraordinaire-|
    \__/_/ |-I don't look like two zombies-|

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