John Marter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
JM> I read that and I was wondering what exactly the conflicts are.
JM> It mentions 'locales' and the 'format of utmp/wtmp'.  What kinds
JM> of problems are caused by these conflicts?

libc6 has its own locales package, so there aren't any problems caused 
by conflicting with the libc5 version of same.  The utmp/wtmp problem
is a little trickier, though: it causes libc5 programs that directly
write to the wtmp file to break the 'last' command, and using
incompatible versions of with glibc can also break the utmp
file and the 'who' commands and friends.  Using the libc5 package in
hamm gets around at least this last problem.

/                             \  "The cat's been in the box for over
|          David Maze         |  20 years.  Nobody's feeding it.  The
|         [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |            cat is dead."
| |  -- Grant, on Schroedinger's Cat

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