Hello everybody,

        I have a minor little request.  Does anybody else miss the xbiff
program in debian?  I can't seem to even find the SOURCE code anywere.  I
am fully aware that this is an extremely minor request and is just filler
for your mailbox but I would like to see it as part of the default.

        Anyone else?


P.S.  I've just installed debian (good riddance to slackware) and beleive I
      encountered a bug when trying to install netscape.  Did anybody else
      have a similar problem?  I kept getting an error where dselect told
      me that the the netscape.tar.gz file should be in my /tmp directory.
      Does this sound familar to anybody?  In anycase, netscape did not install
      so I picked it up from the netscape website via lynx.

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