On Thu, Jan 15, 1998 at 10:17:02AM -0700, Richard Wicks wrote:
> Hello everybody,
>       I have a minor little request.  Does anybody else miss the xbiff
> program in debian?  I can't seem to even find the SOURCE code anywere.  I
> am fully aware that this is an extremely minor request and is just filler
> for your mailbox but I would like to see it as part of the default.
>       Anyone else?

xbiff is in the xcontrib package in hamm, it is probably in the equivalent
bo package as well

> Thanks,
> -Rich
> P.S.  I've just installed debian (good riddance to slackware) and beleive I
>       encountered a bug when trying to install netscape.  Did anybody else
>       have a similar problem?  I kept getting an error where dselect told
>       me that the the netscape.tar.gz file should be in my /tmp directory.
>       Does this sound familar to anybody?  In anycase, netscape did not 
> install
>       so I picked it up from the netscape website via lynx.

netscape is not distributed with debian, the package you are talking about
is just an installer script.  you have to get it with lynx as you
did, then place the tar.gz in /tmp and the netscape*.deb takes care of
installation for you..

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