"G. Kapetanios" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> beacause of high network load and nothing to do with hardware. However I
> now get it not only in tty8 where syslog messages appear but in my working
> console . As a matter of fact while I write this message through telenet
> to my mail sever I get the messages on my screen, I can't delete them and
> can't really see what I am writing as the messages get jumbled up with the
> text . Is this normal ? 

Yes. You can tell syslog to display messages on the console. This is normaly
done for messages of a certain priority. In my /etc/syslog.conf, there is:

# Emergencies are sent to everybody logged in.
*.emerg                         *                     

Maybe there is something similar in yours.

Most programms have a key to restore the screen in such case (e.g a
talkrequest is a similar case).

In pine/pico this is CTRL-L.


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