Tim Sailer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>They want to be able to configure 1 machine and mirror the setup to
>machine in the farm, without having to go to each of the remaining 199
and configure
>it by hand. Someone told them that RH made this easy, and no other
>dist could do it!
Well...there are many many ways to do it....and it depends on what the
setup is
How homogeneous are the machines?
for the most part....if the hardware on em isn't terribly strange...
it would be littl emore than an issue of mirroring 1 hard drive image
over to
all of the machines
With a network setup that could be quite easy....
Hell I just recently was moving from one PC to another....
and I did a "Drag and Drop"....just took out the hard drive and pu tit
in the new
machine and boom...up came linux once the BIOS was happy
(486/DX66 from a 486SX/25 system...differnt amount of RAM, diff vid
There is  apcakage in debian that I have not played with but saw...which
allows you to setup
1 computer andinstall the package,...
then it makes a boot disk...goto any machine..pop in the boot disk...
no install..instant workstation!
and it is setup to do everything the server can do (by default)
then come questions...is there going to be a single network filesystem?
for the most part (as per the FHS)
you should be able to share /usr beween all machines (assuming the same
rchitecture of course)
same for /home etc
Suposedly redhat kickstart is suposed to be able to automate this...
but with a tiny bit more work it should be very easily doable with
hmmm just a slightly evil thought....
anyone tried
cat /dev/hda1 > /dev/hdb1
assuming hda1 and hdb1 are similar partition sizes and types....

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