> All that would work if you wanted to take the machines offline to
> do that, but these machines are going to be handling 30MB/min of
> streaming data for 6 months at a clip. There's no way that would work. :(
> > hmmm just a slightly evil thought....
> > anyone tried
> > cat /dev/hda1 > /dev/hdb1
> > assuming hda1 and hdb1 are similar partition sizes and types....
> Tried it... doesnt work.

you can't use cat, but if the drives are identical you can use dd (We use
that to clone identical copies of drives here).

As for package maintenance, once you have one machine set up the way you
want, you can get the package list using dpkg --get-selections, save that
to a file.  Then reverse it (ie: dpkg --set-selections < filename) on the
next machine after updating the package list.  Then you you don't need to
use dselect or do much work on the other machines and maintenance becomes
pretty painless. Come these things into an install/update script and then
you can pretty much automate everything except for answering all the
questions that come up during an install (in my case, I just keep tabs of
these config files on the master machine and rdist them across
afterwards).  This is how I keep our 50 or so linux machines in sync... 

If you are using hamm the dpkg-mountable method is pretty nice since it
only loads packages that are needed as opposed to recursing down all the

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