> I just tried installing the RedHat CDE package into a Debian unstable
> system.  It was compiled with an oldish version of libc5 and not libc6
> which the unstable release is based on.  I was successful in
> converting the rpm files to deb files using alien.  Unfortunately,
> when I tried to start CDE using dtlogin, I received a core dump.  I
> received no response from RedHat technical support.
> Its a real pity that Debian doesn't have support for the primary
> window enviornment used by all commercial UNIX vendors.  Maybe we
> should try to work directly with TriTeal, the suppliers of CDE for
> RedHat, a seperate package for Debian.

I'm sure there is not the problem that the package is not *.deb.
The problem here is that it was not linked with specific major version
of libc. If you try to do "ldd /path/to/some/CDE/executable/or/library"
I bet that you'll get dependence on libc6. Same thing happens to my
Motif: libXm.so.2.0 seems to depend on libc6 while both of them used
libc5 headers. 

The solution is to configure shared lib loader to use libc5 by default.
If somebody can tell me how to do it, I would be very gratefull.


Alex Y.
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 |      _ 7           |            Alexander Yukhimets            |
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