"David Z. Maze" wrote:
  >Richard Sevenich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
  >RS> I would like to install a software package that requires
  >RS> xlib6g. dpkg is loathe to install xlib6g with xlib6 already
  >RS> installed. Can I safely remove xlib6 i.e.  will packages depending
  >RS> on xlib6 accept xlib6g ... or? ...
  >If you install the xlib6 from hamm, xlib6g should install fine.
  >xlib6g is the glibc version of the X libraries, and libc5 programs
  >won't run without the xlib6 package.
Upgrading to glibc (libc6) is not that simple.  It is a fundamental
change which affects a lot of other things.  Especially, don't force
anything or you may end up with an unuasable system.

Look at:



Oliver Elphick                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Isle of Wight                              http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver

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