Britton wrote:
  >On Thu, 12 Feb 1998, Oliver Elphick wrote:
  >> Upgrading to glibc (libc6) is not that simple.  It is a fundamental
  >> change which affects a lot of other things.  Especially, don't force
  >> anything or you may end up with an unuasable system.
  >But is this the correct thing to do once you have already (apparently
  >succesfully) followed the instructions in the howto?

You only do it once, of course.

  >                                                      I also have a
  >package which depends on xlib6g, which I hesitate to install in case it
  >breaks the other packages that I need.  I couldn't find an 'xlib6'
  >package anywhere in the hamm directory, including the oldlibs directory.
  >Any information on how to do this would be greatly appreciated, as I need
  >spice3 for one of my classes, and running it remotely over ppp gets old
  >very fast.

I just checked with the mirror that I use ( There is an
xlib6 in oldlibs (version 3.3.1-2), and I suppose you will need it if you
are running any X programs that are linked to libc5. xlib6g conflicts with
xlib6 < 3.3-5, so you will have to upgrade xlib6 if it's a lower version
than that.
  >> Look at:
  >> and
Oliver Elphick                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Isle of Wight                    

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