
> Since my hamm install, I have noticed that when users log out, sometimes
> there shell hangs.  These processes then beging utilizing lots of memory
> and cpu.  Once uptime reported a load of 4.05 from this!  Killing the
> processes resumes a more desired load.

Well, as far as I can tell (from a "ps auxww"), there are no orphaned
processes on my system.  Currently, I am the only user.  Basically, I have
no hung processes to kill.  Why are your users shells hanging?  Is that
problem related to a bug?  Perhaps I shouldn't be too concerned with this
memory issue.  Does anyone know how the kernel manages memory,
specifically when memory is recovered?  For example, when is memory
recovered from processes that didn't do garbage collection?  When is the
memory buffer and cache flushed?

I am trying to track down why my memory usage is so high.  Is it
reasonable to assume that the kernel is dealing with the memory management
as it is supposed to?

Incidentally, here is some output from "top:"

  1:38pm  up 1 day,  2:03,  2 users,  load average: 1.08, 1.05, 1.01
44 processes: 40 sleeping, 4 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states: 60.2% user, 39.7% system,  0.0% nice,  0.1% idle
Mem:   79508K av,  77120K used,   2388K free,  28288K shrd,  27960K buff
Swap:  36284K av,      0K used,  36284K free                 29212K cached

Any insight into this issue would be greatly appreciated.


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