Ed Cogburn wrote:
> Nelson Posse Lago wrote:
> >
> > On Tue, 23 Jun 1998, Mark Panzer wrote:
> >
> > > While running netscape ver 4.05 I commonly run out of memory after two
> > > hours.  I have 32Mbytes of RAM and a 50Mbyte swap.
> >
> > Netscape for linux leaks memory like hell; you may want to install
> > netscape using the debian installer package, it preloads (or used to,
> > don't know if this is the case still) some libraries tha alleviate (but
> > don't solve) the problem. There's not much more you can do about it. I
> > *think* what really kills memory fast are animated gifs, since it
> > actually "reloads" the gif indefinetely, so "ESC" should help also.
> >
> > See ya,
> > Nelson
> > That's Internet!
> >
> > "The future? I've seen the future: It's a 46 years old
> > virgin singing 'I am a hotdog'" - From "Demolition Man"
> >
>         How can this be?  If NS ran out of memory after two hours of use it 
> would
> affect everybody.  Yet this is the first post concerning the problem, and in
> all the time I've used NS on linux its only happened once (I was doing a lot
> of stuff in the background at the time).  It may be related to the version
> (professional/standalone) or maybe something else thats running at the same
> time.
The thing is the only way I seem to have enough free memory to run
Netscape is to be the only person log-in an account and the only
programs running are shown in myproc.txt which is attached.  Right now I
have 12MBytes of RAM free and am not using the swap but wait maybe 20
min. even if I don't do anything and it'll already be using about 20Meg
of my swap.  That seems weird because I have my memory cache down to
100Kbytes and disk cache to 1Meg.

Mark Panzer
  157   1 S    0:00 -bash 
  163   1 S    0:00 xinit /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc -- -auth /home/mark/.
  171   1 S    0:00 /usr/X11R6/bin/fvwm2 
  181   1 S    0:00 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm2/FvwmPager 8 5 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fv
  183  p0 S    0:00 -bash 
  184   1 S    0:13 /usr/lib/netscape/netscape mailbox: 
  196   1 S    0:00 (dns helper) 
  217  p0 R    0:00 ps 

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