Rick Macdonald wrote:
> Mark Panzer wrote:
> > > > > > > While running netscape ver 4.05 I commonly run out of memory 
> > > > > > > after two
> > > > > > > hours.
> You mentioned Java applets.
> What if you fire up Netscape, and don't look at any web pages other than
> whatever your startup home page is, and just leave it for an hour. Does
> it grow and die? Maybe it's the pages you always visit. Java, animated
> gifs, etc.
Yup if I have 4 Netscape windows open and I just let them open up the
Debian homepage and don't go to any other sites there is no problem. 
Then they only use up about 13Meg of Ram and don't even use any swap. 
But what good is being able to open up 50 netscape windows if all I can
do is view the initial Debian homepage?  It would be nice to be able to
use this 'tool'.  I do believe that when java is loaded my memory usage
jumps enormously.  After java has been running for a while it seems that
its "garbage collection" feature which frees up memory doesn't work
because it starts to gobble up memory at the rate of 10Kbytes per

I also had another weird occurance when I booted up my machine today
(after properly shutting it down using "shutdown -h now") I recieved the
***FILE SYSTEM CHANGED*** and then it listed all the inodes which had
been changed and then for those that I saw it said FIXED after them. 
Why should my file system become corrupted???  

Mark Panzer

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