I'm trying to install Debian on a PC at work. I have the Debian 2.0
Official CD from CheapBytes, which installed fine on my home PC (which
has a CD drive).

The work PC has no CD drive, but it *does* have a network connection.

I have got the install through to the point of running dselect as root
to load up the various packages. Now, however, I have a problem. As the
target PC has no CD, I can't load off the CD direct. I could (in theory)
load the packages I need to the target PC hard disk (I have a DOS/VFAT
partition which would probably do), but the partition isn't that big (so
I'd have to do it in stages) and the CD is in Rock Ridge (? is that the
name) format, with TRANS.TBL files in each directory. On Windows, the
names are mangled, and I'd have to manually rename each file as
necessary - a completely infeasible job...

I have a network connection, so I could get the stuff from the debian
ftp site directly, but I'm behind a firewall. Dselect does offer the
chance to put in a proxy name/IP address, but it asks for a
username/password, which my firewall doesn't need...

An alternative would be to mount the CD on a Windows 95 or NT box on the
LAN, and pull the packages off the CD via FTP or NFS, but this would
require a FTP/NFS server for 95 or NT which will handle translation of
filenames based on TRANS.TBL files - something which I haven't been able
to find.

Can anybody suggest a way forward? Or an alternative option I haven't
thought of?

Paul Moore.

PS Once I'm up and running, I need my target PC to get an IP address via
DHCP (I've got a static one temporarily). Is there a package which
supports DHCP, and if so what do I need to do to set it up?

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