Now that I try to FTP through the firewall using the command-line FTP
client (I usually use a preconfigured GUI client) it looks like my
firewall works just like yours, and I now see how to set up the dselect
access method. I'll go and give it a try... Yes, looks like that worked

Thanks a lot!

>Sent:  13 October 1998 17:46
>To:    Moore, Paul
>Subject:       Re: Getting at Debian distribution files
>"Moore, Paul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>| I'm trying to install Debian on a PC at work. I have the Debian 2.0
>| Official CD from CheapBytes, which installed fine on my home PC (which
>| has a CD drive).
>| I have a network connection, so I could get the stuff from the debian
>| ftp site directly, but I'm behind a firewall. Dselect does offer the
>| chance to put in a proxy name/IP address, but it asks for a
>| username/password, which my firewall doesn't need...
>So how does your firewall work? I'm also behind a firewall and I
>regularly use dselect, with the ftp method, to upgrade/install
>packages from the debian ftp site. Say you were manually doing an
>anonymous ftp to the debian mirror of your choice, how would that
>For example, behind our firewall I'd do:
>ftp firewall
>331-(220 FTP server (Version
>wu-2.4.2-academ[BETA-15](4) Thu Feb 12 17:00:23 EST 1998) ready.)
>331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
>Password: <my email address>
>[message from debian anonymous ftp server goes here]
>and I'm in. You can easily get dselect to work with such a firewall

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