I have Debian 2.0, which has Perl 5.004_04 installed. I'd like to
upgrade to 5.005_02 (or maybe even _53). There isn't a debian 5.005
package yet (AFAIK) - how do I install 5.005, without confusing dpkg? I
don't know what there is on my system which depends on Perl - can I find

I'm quite willing to build/install all the Perl libraries I use myself,
but I want 5.005 to be the default Perl (so I don't have to keep
remembering to use it explicitly). What breaks if I either install 5.005
in /usr, or alternatively if I install in /usr/local, but make
/usr/bin/perl a symlink to /usr/local/bin/perl?

I could hit this a lot - I do a fair bit of testing/development of
software, for which I don't expect Debian to be as current as I
want/need to be. (Vim 5.4a is another recent example which comes to


PS This is a personal-use machine, so I don't need to worry about
annoying other users - just about breaking "the system"...

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