>> "MP" == Moore, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

MP> I have Debian 2.0, which has Perl 5.004_04 installed. I'd like to
MP> upgrade to 5.005_02 (or maybe even _53). There isn't a debian 5.005

There was a package, but it was retracted after it broke some
things. Basicaly any module, which is not pure perl, needs to be
recompiled. Also Perl50.005 doesn't contain /usr/lib/perl in the
include path any more (IIRC).

AFAIK, there packages are still around in some save place. Ask the
maintainer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) about the location. He may also
have more infos for you about a save way to upgrade.

The debian-devel archives of Oktober should have some threads about
Perl 5.005


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