On Fri, Nov 06, 1998 at 12:25:27PM +1300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>  Also, it's unlikely that this was deliberatly "leaked" by microsoft
> (IMHO), because it's not exactly good publicity for them. Far more PR
> damage is possible because of (admittedly somewhat backhanded) admissions
> of how well the Free Software community is doing and the subtefuge they
> are planning to combat it than any gain they could get from seeing our
> relations to it. Rememeber it's not only Free Software enthusiasts and
> microsoft haters who will be reading it. 
        Ah, but they were SO quick to confirm that it was an official memo
with SO little effort put into trying to downplay its significance and
distance themselves from what seems to be damaging.  I think they could be
very well playing this.

Gerald Crimp

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