
 What I want !? Mainly it's: have incoming telnet session and since
someone it's on my machine could not make outgoing telnet sessions ...

 As i'm using kernel 2.0.35, I think, I must be using ipfwadm instead of
ipchains (for 2.1.xx series kernel).

 1. It's out there any good ipfwadm tutorial without 'man ipfwadm' ?
 2. When I've IP Firewall, IP Masquerable, IP Forwarding, etc I can't get
my ISDN connection ! ;(

----- cut here ------
Nov  8 12:08:08 cavern kernel: isdn_net: ippp0: dial suppressed: isdn stopped
Nov  8 12:08:08 cavern kernel: isdn_net: local hangup ippp0
Nov  8 12:08:08 cavern kernel: fsm error: event 4 on state 0
Nov  8 12:08:08 cavern kernel: ippp0: Chargesum is 0
----- cut here -------

 I'm using just my computer with an ISDN card and any kind of network card!

 How can I resolve that !?


 Best regards,
  Nuno Carvalho

P.S. Is there any other way to resolve this !? Change inetd.conf isn't
enough ! There's a way ..... remove telnet package ! 

   Nuno Emanuel F. Carvalho
 Dep. Informatics Engineering
    University of Coimbra

  PGP key available at finger

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