Hi, Paul!

General comment - ask your supplier to provide specs :) 

> * The supplier wasn't 100% clear on the exact video card spec - it's a
> Jetway make, using S3 ViRGE chipset. Is this likely to be OK?

Yes, it should be OK.

> * The video card is an AGP model. All I can find in the HOWTO and the
> XFree86 notes is that "some" AGP cards work. Will this one??!?

Sorry, no experience here.

> * The sound card is a "Creative Labs PCI 64" card. Is that likely to
> work? It's a plug and pray card - does that cause me problems?

It looks like Sound Blaster from Creative Labs.  Should work perfectly.

> The rest of the spec seems unlikely to be a problem - Pentium II 333MHz,
> BX 100MHz motherboard, 64M RAM, 4.3G EIDE UDMA disk, 32x CD ROM (IDE).

Looks just fine.

> Does anybody know of any issues or relevant questions I should ask?

Some companies have smart guys who can directly answer Linux compatibility 

> Thanks in advance,
> Paul Moore.
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