Daniel Elenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Yes, but xemacs in X works fine, it's when I run it in the console
> that I get this problem. Is there a similar setting for the console
> somewhere?

Just to be specific: Are we talking about XEmacs running on a true
linux console (i.e. terminal type is 'linux') or xemacs -nw running
under an xterm?

If it is the latter you basically will have to wait until XEmacs
21.0 (may the debian-xterm stuff fixes this). 

The problem is to find out what character code your backspace key
generates. If it is '127', often displayed as C-? or ^?, then XEmacs
20.4 will always map that to 'delete'. XEmacs 21.0 will try to be more
intelligent about that.

If your are indeed on a linux console and backspace generates 127 then 
you can force XEmacs to do what you want with something like this.

(puthash ?\^? 'backspace keyboard-translate-table)

This basically undoes the code in XEmacs that makes that particular


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