> Is debian supposed to have a /dev/cdrom
> Because when I install debian I do
> mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /cdrom and I get
> /dev/cdrom file or Dir not found
> I thought you can only mount a cdrom drive with /dev/cdrom

/dev/cdrom is a tradition followed by most Linux systems.  It is not
your CDROM device, but instead, a symbolic link to the CDROM device.

First, you'll need to know which device is your CDROM.  This can be sen
at boot up.  If it's an IDE CDROM, it's most likely hdb or hdc.  Try
'cat /proc/ide/hdc/model' to verify this.  If it's SCSI, It's probably

You can then create /dev/cdrom by executing the following commands as

cd /dev
ln -s cdrom hdc
ls -l cdrom

This will create a symbolic link from /dev/cdrom -> /dev/hdc.  Read 'man
ln' for more info.  Then,

mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /cdrom

should work.

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