>Sorry, but I didn't experience ANY of the problems you're having...

Me either. I downloaded the whole 23M in just under two hours. On a 33.6
conenction no less!

>2) My download took all of 2 hours for all 7 parts - and then I downloaded
>full version for grins.  NO problems at all.
>3) The install instructions at download time specifically say gunzip it,
>tar it.

I didn't however find this to be true. When I tried tar xvfz GUI000.GZ it
said that it wasn't a gzip file. So I did tar xvf and it went quite
smoothly. I'm not sure why they put a GZ after the filename, because the
file I downloaded was most certainly not a gzip.

>6) As for the eqution/graphics capabilities...  This is a free demo version
>folks.  And further, if there are packages (like Lyx) that do it better,
>not use them!!   All I know is I have a great word processor for Debian
>one that I've used for years and have grown to love.

Quite true. Linux has never had much in the way of word processing programs.
Unless you want to count all the text formatting programs. I tried
StarOffice, but no matter what I did it crashed every time I tried to run
setup. The setup window would sorta half-load, and that was the end of it.
(We're talking crashed to the point of having to re-boot, no error messages,
no nothing. Just a good solid freeze.) I suppose that the archive could have
been corrupted during transmission, but I finally gave up on the whole

I personally am very grateful to corel for this sign of support for the
linux community.


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