This is bull pucky of the worst kind since it is inaccurate and off topic.
;^)  Take a look at ;^)

This includes a "Breakdown of Features for each Version" which very clearly
spells out what is and what is not included in each version.  The
description given of the download version seems to me to be a very complete
word processor.  The section on the personal retail version says very
plainly that "advanced drawing and charting" applications are added.  Only
equation editting is not explicitly mentioned.

If you had bought the personal retail version (on cd) you pro'ly could've
returned it if you didn't like it for a refund instead of blowing your
money on nonrefundable download fees.

I don't think Corel intended to deceive anybody.  I think some people got
excited and didn't read carefully.  Sometimes when you don't pays your
money you still take your chances.


To:   Charles Collicutt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc: (bcc: Jack A Walker/BII)
Subject:  Re: WP 8 problem

At 22:53 18.12.98 +0000, Charles wrote:

indeed I think all this satisfactory reports about WP8 and the fact that
one should not have complains about limitations of "free" a software
are an example of the "poor's man happiness".

The points are:
- the cost it takes to dowload 23 MBytes of software, i.e. the phone bill.
- the fact that corel never pointed out any limitation.
- the fact that at no cost there are a lot of products much better than the
  "free" version of WP8.

Hence congratulations to all the guys happy with such a bunch of useless

Riccardo Tommasini

University of Berne - Institute of Applied Physics - Laser Dept.

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