Ed Cogburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Not sure what you are asking here.  

The question: "If a debian system records package information about a
down-rev (later) distribution in its package database, is it possible
to exclude packages existing solely in that down-rev distribution from
the package database, should the system revert to a previous
distribution revision."

What happened: I had a system pointing at unstable, then I realized
that unstable is not slink, but rather potato. I didn't want a
bleeding-edge distribution, so I pointed the system at slink
(frozen). Now when I run dselect, there are potato-era packages listed
that aren't really available to me, like kernel-source-2.0.36. Since
apt can only see packages in slink, I'd rather my package database
reflected that. How can I restrict the package database and/or dselect
to just encompass slink packages?

> You can put both hamm and slink in sources.list at the same time.
> apt will get the packages files for both of them and then merge the
> two together.  This is what I'm doing (slink+potato).

I'm not interested in mixing distributions right yet. I'd like to
stick with slink for now. But I am curious, if your source.list points
at revision n and revision n+1, doesn't `apt-get upgrade` get update
all your installed packages - hence your system - to revision n+1?
You're really running potato, if both are in your sources.list, right?

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