> > Okay, everybody says lyx is great, but for the darnest, I can't get it
> > to work with latex's \typein.
> Hi,
> This is my personal opinion.  I'm not particularly enthusiastic about Lyx, it 
> does not give me any speed up at all to build TeX file.  It's quite limited 
> also.    But more importantly thing that worries me is that there seems to be 
> very little support behind LyX,  project looks dying to me.  Please, please 
> tell me that I am wrong, after all I would love good interface around TeX.
> I use Xemacs AucTeX
> Sasha.
> -- 
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The author of lyx works heavily on kde.
Since lyx, he has developed klyx.
I believe the klyx version number is in the upper .9*,
more impressive than a lyx of 0.12.
Unfortunately, I don't see a debian version of klyx in either the
hamm or slink distributions.

Jim Burt, NJ9L,         Fairfax, Virginia, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       http://www.mnsinc.com/jameson
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       (703) 235-5213 ext. 132  (work)

"A poor man associating with a rich man will soon be too poor 
to buy even a pair of breeches."                   --Chinese Proverb

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