> > This is my personal opinion.  I'm not particularly enthusiastic about Lyx, 
> > it does not give me any speed up at all to build TeX file.  It's quite 
> > limited also.    But more importantly thing that worries me is that there 
> > seems to be very little support behind LyX,  project looks dying to me.  
> > Please, please tell me that I am wrong, after all I would love good 
> > interface around TeX.
> dying???? It's very close to releasing 1.0, and the volume on the 
> developer's list is at the highest level in the three years or so that 
> I've been following it.  The current release is 1.0pre6.
Point well taken.  I based my opinions on LyX 0.12, (which was in hamm and 
slink).  I'm glad to hear that there is a lot of progress there, hope to see 
them propagating to debian eventually.



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