maxalbert writes:
> Since receiving your message, I tried "ping"  It
> responded...
> Once again, however, I'm only able to do this from within pon-poff.

Yes, of course.  You are only connected to the Net after running pon and
before running poff.

> I haven't tried adding a default route as yet,...

You don't need to. pppd is doing it.

> ...but obviously, something's missing here.

No, it looks like you have ppp working correctly.

> Even though I've configured exim, it doesn't by itself arouse pppd,...

To have it do so you would need to install diald.  I think that would be
too much for you to attempt now, as it does not have a friendly
configuration program.

> ...and so it doesn't actually send the messages.

You have to run it while connected to the Net.  Type 'runq' as root, or put
runq in a script in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d.  To get your mail from your isp you
must install fetchmail.

> Neither does elm+me.

Nor should it.  It just hands it to exim.

> All commands run outside of pon-poff (even to my ISP) result in "hostname
> unknown,"...


> ...except for wvdial, which connects me with the ISP, but gives me no
> prompt.

You can go to another virtual console.  However, wvdial is not doing
anything pon is not already doing for you.

> I've looked at the host.conf file, the hostname file, chatscripts,
> chat-secrets, pap-secrets, ppp, and resolv.conf, and they all apparently
> match what's recommended.

They do.  That's why ppp is working just fine.

> I'm looking to find a site from which I might download *nix Netscape by
> ftp, if that's possible.

That's doing it the hard way.  Just install navigator-smotif-45 (or
communicator if you prefer) from non-free.
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