
edit /etc/hosts.deny and comment out the PARANOID line.
Bounce your portmap deamon  or reboot your system and it should work.


"Mahendra D. Khandkar SBO" wrote:

>              Respected Sir,
>         I have installed Debian Linux 2.0 on a Pentium 90 Mhz machine.
>   I am trying to configure so many things as I can . The major problem
>  I am facing is about the network.  After configuring the network,
>   machine can connect to other machines on the network but it is not allowing
>  other machines to connect to itself. The error on  other machines is
>  " Connection refused ".  I tried a lot by playing with the files
>  /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny. It is not working. Will you please
>  sort out the problem for me ?
>   By the way , one more thing. Can I configure various utilities (e.g. 
> network)
>  after system is installed once ? Or everytime I have to for boot/root
>  (installation ) floppies ?
>  Thanking you in anticipation,
>     Sincerely yours,
>           Mahendra
> --
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