hi mahendra ...

congrats on getting ur debian system up and going !!!

> I am facing is about the network.  After configuring the network,
>  machine can connect to other machines on the network but it is not allowing

ok..so ur networking is working fine..

> other machines to connect to itself. The error on  other machines is
> " Connection refused ".  I tried a lot by playing with the files

looks like either the applications are not installed or not started...
more details reqd. here ... do u mean that u r not able to telnet to the linux
box ? or ftp or www browse ?
u can check what servers are stated by the command

netstat -at | less

for example , my machine shows the following...
[EMAIL PROTECTED] venu]$ netstat -at |less
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
tcp        0      0 *:telnet                *:*                     LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:ftp                   *:*                     LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:800                   *:*                     LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:www                   *:*                     LISTEN

the above shows that the telnet, ftp , www servers are in the active (LISTEN)
so u can telnet into this server from another machine etc...
look into the man pages of netstat for more details..

all initialization scripts are installed in /etc/init* ... ( check that out )

> /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny. It is not working. Will you please
> sort out the problem for me ?

another thing ... have u installed the relevant packages ?
check with dselect.. or dpkg

look into the man pages for dpkg.. (don't remember the command !!)

>  By the way , one more thing. Can I configure various utilities (e.g. network)
> after system is installed once ? Or everytime I have to for boot/root
> (installation ) floppies ?

sure u can configure all the utilities after installation !!!!
btw: have u read the debian installation manual ? its available at

also tons of info is available in /usr/doc and especially /usr/doc/HOWTO

> Thanking you in anticipation,



ps: so mahendra... are u from Pune Univ. Physics dept ?... then i may have met u
before... are u involved with the IT syllabus etc ????

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