>>>>> "xxxxx" == xxxxx xxxxx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  xxxxx> [1 <text/plain; iso-8859-1 (quoted-printable)>] Hi!  Could
  xxxxx> anyone tell me what's a good hardware/software combination to
  xxxxx> use to make frequent FULL backups of a Debian system
  xxxxx> (operating system, "applications", and data).  I asked
  xxxxx> recently at a fairly large Linux group meeting, and everyone
  xxxxx> seemed suprised by the question and there were no good
  xxxxx> answers, which completely floored me... how could anyone
  xxxxx> smart enough to use Linux not back up their entire system

See http://visar.csustan.edu/bazaar/bazaar_dateoffers.html and look
for offer 990307A. I invite you to increase my offer if you are

Laurent Martelli

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